Biorevitalization Hair

Biorevitalization Hair

— Biorevitalization Haircare–

I briefly touched on the fact that I use hyaluronic acid and the method of Biorevitalization for hair loss in last week’s blog. It is such a brilliant source for rejuvenation and repair. It is a medical procedure that aims at correcting and preventing cosmetic defects. Popular areas being the face and neck but when introduced into the scalp and hair follicles it can really inspire healthy hair and revive the area that ageing has damaged. Biorevitalization means natural recovery, using Hyaluronic acid which is a substance naturally present in our human form, is such a progressive method of stalling ageing hair and preventing defects in the follicles. Promoting radiance and health. HA is crucial for extracellular health and needed to promote better collagen and elastin production within our bodies. Ageing weakens our natural process of rejuvenating strong, bouncy hair. With the therapy of using HA in the cells around hair growth, we kick start the dedication to refuelling your bodies natural defences and promote stronger regrowth. Introducing intra-dermal injections to the area has a direct effect on the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. It is an alternative treatment that has proven to have such a brilliant effect on the haircare of many of my beautiful clients, rewarding them with stronger, shinier and silkier hair.


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