What is Biorevitalization?

What is Biorevitalization?

Biorevitalization is the revitalization of skin in a biological way to rejuvenate, hydrate dry, tired and sun-damaged skin with an immediate effect with results lasting up to two years.
Using injection techniques that infiltrate small does of Hyaluronic acid into the deep surface of the skin, improving cellular metabolism and hugely improving the moisture of the skin. This treatment dramatically reduces the speed of ageing in the skin around the face and neck. The skin that we have on display the most. The skin that often bares lotions, make up and pollution daily so is in constant need of nourishment. The face, neck and hands are also more exposed to the damaging UV rays from the sun, so this treatment is incredible in the later stage of Sumer to really replenish the side effects of sunny, hot days.

The quality of the skin is dramatically improved and is soft and supple to touch, with a brilliant glow right after treatment. The volume of hyaluronic acid, which is found naturally in our bodies, is significantly higher in younger years hence why the skin is less worn and damaged. With the use of injecting HA into the skin, we are essentially replenishing the youth into our appearance and the results prove this with all of my clients being immensely pleased with their look right after Biorevitalization. The tone, tightness, elasticity and moisture of the skin is instantly enhanced, and wrinkles appear less noticeable.

Scientists have proved that injecting hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of collagen and boosts moisturizing the skin. The amazing benefit of this technique also is that the client’s own production of hyaluronic acid becomes stimulated, derma fibres are formed, therefore creating a lifting effect of the skin’s tissues.

I also use Biorevitalization in leading stimulation for better hair health. Hair weakness is also an ageing issue and when our follicles and roots become weak, the hair becomes thin and noticeably less bodied. This is a huge concern to the majority. By introducing intra-dermal injections to the area, this has a direct effect on the hair follicles and sebaceous glands, improving the condition of the scalp and hair. It is an incredible resource for hair loss and hair that has changed through age effects.
Diana 👄

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